With a few jump ropes and hammocks, the “Raleigh Urban Rangers” brought life to Fayetteville St. and an underused alley space off of it.
How often do you get the chance to hang out in the street and relax with your feet in the air?
You see the city differently with your eyes and feet up in a hammock. Hammocks say: “Relax here.”
Inviting the child out in each of us….This man smiled when he saw jump ropes on the sidewalk. He hesitated, picked one up and wow, his skills were still there. His body remembered. This simple act of offering jump ropes made his walk down the street a memorable one.
All ages were stopping to skip rope and show their skills. There’s an inner rope skipper in many of us, waiting to be invited out.
Hammocks and jump ropes are super simple, easy, light, quick and fun ways to activate a space. Maybe more of our public spaces could encourage their use?